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Read to Succeed Reading Plan


South Carolina Department of Education

Read to Succeed Primary and Secondary Exemplary Literacy Reflection Tool

Springfield Elementary


Directions:  Please provide a narrative response for Sections A-I. 

LETRS Questions: 

  • How many eligible teachers in your school have completed Volume 1 ONLY of LETRS?: 4
  • How many eligible teachers in your school have completed Volumes 1 and 2 of LETRS?: 29
  • How many eligible teachers in your school are beginning Volume 1 of LETRS this year (or have not yet started or completed Volume 1)?: 6

Section A: Describe how reading assessment and instruction for all PreK-5th grade students in the school includes oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension to aid in the comprehension of texts to meet grade‑level English/Language Arts standards.

  • Teachers ensure that instructional content includes comprehension, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary.
  • Teachers have access to and use assessments and high-quality curricula that support comprehension, concepts about print, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, fluency, and vocabulary development.

Section B: Document how Word Recognition assessment and instruction for PreK-5th grade students are further aligned to the science of reading, structured literacy and foundational literacy skills.

  • Lesson Plans
  • Teacher Observations
  • Schedules (three benchmark assessments)

Section C:  Document how the school uses universal screener data and diagnostic assessment data to determine targeted pathways of intervention (word recognition or language comprehension) for students in PreK-5th grade who have failed to demonstrate grade‑level reading proficiency.  

  • Teachers use a comprehensive formative assessment system. (FastBridge, iReady, myIGDIs, Performance Tasks)
  • Assessments include screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring to identify students’ instructional needs.
  • Teachers collect and analyze data to determine targeted, effective in-class interventions. 

Section D: Describe the system in place to help parents in your school understand how they can support the student as a reader and writer at home.

  • Teachers provide opportunities for parent involvement with literacy development including Family activities at PTA, Family Data conferences, and newsletters.

Section E: Document how the school provides for the monitoring of reading achievement and growth at the classroom and school level with decisions about PreK-5th grade intervention based on all available data to ensure grade-level proficiency in reading. 

  • Teachers work together in teams to collect and analyze data to make instructional decisions for groups of students and individual students. They create action plans and plans to monitor how the work is going (fidelity checks and student outcome data).
  • Teachers do weekly or bi-weekly progress monitoring of students of concern through Fast bridge. Literacy wellness checks are held monthly to analyze these data points.

Section F: Describe how the school provides teacher training based in the science of reading, structured literacy, and foundational literacy skills to support all students in PreK-5th grade.

Teachers participate in ongoing, job-embedded professional learning opportunities based on school data through:

  • Collaboration through coaching cycles with the school coach
  • Collaborative planning
  • Peer observations/ learning walks
  • Standards analysis through PLC
  • Data Days

Administrators participate in professional learning opportunities within and outside the school district based on personal needs and/or school-wide data:

  • Collaboration with the school coach
  • Professional book clubs (Blended Coaching)
  • LETRS trainings
  • ML endorsement classes through Winthrop University Cohort

Section G: Analysis of Data


  • Teachers implemented research-based tier 1 instruction school wide.
  • Teachers monitored student progress through PLC discussions about student work.
  • SOR PD is available to teachers through LETRS, Palmetto state literacy conference, and dyslexia training through the Bureau of Education.

Possibilities for Growth: 

  • Improve tier 2 instruction, in the areas of, grammar and mechanics as identified by the SC Ready writing portion.
  • Increase efforts to improve family literacy at home through parent communication, access to text digitally and in print, family nights where literacy activities and resources are available.

Section HPrevious School Year SMART Goals and Progress Toward Those Goals

  • Please provide your school’s goals from last school year and the progress your school has made towards these goals. Utilize quantitative and qualitative data to determine progress toward the goal (s). As a reminder, all schools serving third grade were required to use Goal #1 (below).


Goal #1 (Third Grade Goal): Reduce the percentage of third graders scoring Does Not Meet in the spring of 2023 as determined by SC READY from 43 % to 38 % in the spring of 2024

Progress: Third Grade Results: Reduced the percentage of third graders performing below readiness in the Spring of 2024 as determined by SC Ready from 43% to 34%.

Section I: Current SMART Goals and Action Steps Based on Analysis of Data

  • All schools serving students in third grade MUST respond to the third-grade reading proficiency goal. Schools that do not serve third grade students may choose a different goal. Schools may continue to use the same SMART goals from previous years or choose new goals. Goals should be academically measurable. The Reflection Tool may be helpful in determining action steps to reach an academic goal. Schools are strongly encouraged to incorporate goals from the strategic plan. 


Goal #1 (Third Grade Goal): Reduce the percentage of third graders scoring Does Not Meet in the spring of 2024 as determined by SC READY from 34 % to 30% in the spring of 2025.

Action Steps: 

  • Schoolwide use of systematic phonics and phonological awareness programs with fidelity
  • Use of the MTSS process for targeted intervention goals for students receiving Tier 3 instruction with weekly progress monitoring 
  • Analyzing iReady data (diagnostic results, personalized instructional summary, historical data results) to determine tier 2 intervention and reteach lessons to prioritize in small groups.