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National School Counseling Week We appreciate you ms. howle and mr. seagle
Springfield Appreciates our School Counselors!

February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week and we can't be more proud of our school counselors.  They wear many hats in the building and work every day to support our Mustangs! 

Learn more about them here!

pta night student showcase
Our Students Shine!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our PTA meeting and Student Showcase! It was so great for our students to share their amazing work with their families and friends!  Our Mustangs are Mighty!!

See more pictures on our Facebook Page!

cd fashion show
Child Development Fashion Show!

We had our third annual Child Development fashion show! For their celebration of learning for their clothing unit, students rocked the runway and then presented paper fashion dolls they made in class. Families got to join in the fun, both in-person and on Zoom! Way to go, CD!

See more fashion superstars on our Facebook Page!

theme of the month uniqueness
Theme of the Month!

Uniqueness: Learning more about others so you can know more about yourself

Who likes broccoli? Who has been to New
York to see the Empire State Building? Do
you tear up at sappy commercials? Learning
more about others allows us to create deeper
friendships, more empathy, and it also helps
us know more about ourselves!

Find the Family Newsletter Here

congrats ms. pisani springfield elementary teacher of the year
Springfield Elementary's Teacher of the Year!

Congratulations to our 24-25 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Jessica Pisani! Ms. Pisani is a resource teacher at Springfield. Way to go Ms. Pisani!!! 

We are so lucky to have you!!

Mustangs in the snow, pictures of students in the snow
Snow Much Fun!!

We hope our Mustangs are enjoying this rare snow event in Charleston!  Check out our Facebook page to see or share photos of your snow adventures. 


News & Announcements

photo of first graders at lunch with Mr. Forse

The top 3 students from each first grade class who showed the most growth on the I-Ready reading and math diagnostic tests got to have a special lunch with Mr. Forse! What a special treat! Thank you, Mr. Forse!

rob fowler with springfield kindergartners

Our kindergarten students have been learning about weather. They had a special visitor today, Rob Fowler Storm Team 2 from WCBD News 2. He taught the students about his job as a Meteorologist, showed them many tools he uses for his job, and let the students try out an anemometer, a tool used for measuring the speed of wind. He also had the teachers, teacher assistants, Mr. Forse, and Mrs. Williams try! Thank you so much to Mr. Fowler for this special visit today!

See more pictures on our Facebook Page!


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Springfield Elementary School is leading in communication, opportunities for family engagement, and obvious love for their students! - Springfield Parent

Springfield Elementary School has an awesome staff.  Everyone that I have encountered has a passion for working with the students and wants the very best for them. -Springfield Parent